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Okk i'm back, this is our 7th day of our expedition, we covered over 500nm in the farasan banks, we r now at farasan alkabir, our past 7 days were amazing, we made so many under water video, filmed birds, sharks baracudas, coral reefs, dolphins, and more, for now i leave you with photos of the following sea birds which i took over the past few days , which are : Red-Billed tropic bird, Brown Booby,Masked Booby, Sooty gull, White eyed Gull, Little tern, Brown noody, Pink Packed Pelican. Some of these species are not very common in other part of the world and few people have the chance to see them. We are delighted to share this information with you and enjoying the putty of the Red Sea life. tomorrow night our reef chief scienist Abdullah Alsuhaibani will post scientific information about those birds migration routes, habitats, breeding, and more.

Step by step we will cover every thing we saw, patience is a vertue.
Good nite
Tarek Taher


I've been enjoying your blog postings. The descriptions and photos make me feel as if I'm on the expedition with you. I look forward to seeing/reading more! Travel safely.
Reef Chief said…
Hey Brad & Clevland, glad you're with us, we'll be posting underwater video clips soon, Thanks for your help i creating our website, you did a great job, please forward our website to Kathy & kathy..
Nice day..
Erica said…
The pictures of the pelicans are incredible. Hope you will go on with this work.
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