
The Storm

The storm sand and sea.


we've been hiding at Shoaiba cove for the past Three days due to bad weather, it actually a beautifull spot as you see in the photos, it's not exactly Alkatraz.

Farasan Expedition

We left Jeddah at 0600H May 7, 2006 - the start of the red sea expedition. Its major intention is to film coral reefs and underwater creatures and also photograph birds and islands of the red sea to make a movie “Red Sea My Planet” Part 2 and Part 3 in order to raise awareness in the preservation of the beautiful red sea. Among the crew are: Myself – the skipper, the director and photographer of the expedition; Manolis Klimataras as first mate; Aristotle Dadiz as chief engineer and camera assistant, Panagiotis Korianitis as chief engineer too, Hattan, my good friend who volunteered to be in charge of getting some fresh fish; and Abdulrahman Hakeem as my dive buddy. Our first port of destination is Al Lith for refuel. Along the way to Al Lith, we had various stops for dive locations and filmed underwater and took photographs. We visited amazing dive sites, identified many migratory and resident sea birds, dolphin homes, turtle nesting, whale shark and sharks, live coral, animonis, soft ...

Building Nest

Sooty gull

Landing Gear Down


Alghuna Sunrise

Good morning red sea photos taken yesterday morning